Semi-annual online journal
ISSN 2323-5233, ISSN-L 2323-5233
Publisher: European Economics Letters Group
Simple Impact Factor: 0.278
E-mail: editor@eelet.org.uk
Article Publication Charges: 300 USD
European Economic Letters (EEL) is an international blind-peer-reviewed online semi-annual journal, which publishes high quality economic scientific articles. Contributions covering Europe are more than welcome. The members of EEL contain the professional economists from all around the world.
The journal encourages the submission of theoretical and empirical research papers in the following areas of economics:
- Applied Macroeconomics;
- Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth;
- Econometrics, Theoretical and Applied applications;
- Financial Economics;
- Health, Education, and Welfare;
- International Economics;
- Public Economics;
In order to submit the articles in other areas of economics please suggest at least 3 professor of economics from top 100 ranked universities of economics. Every submission to European Economic Letters will be subject to a careful peer-review process and the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from the editors. European Economic Letters aims to have a quick turnover time of up to three months between the submission and final decision. In maximum, just eight article would have a chance to be published in each issue of European Economic Letters and then it is very competetive to get the acceptance from reviewing process.The submissionis free of charge.
The journal is indexed as: Academia; AcademicKeys; Beschreibung; Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg; Соционет: EBSCOhost; EconPapers; EuroInternet; FINNA; Google Scholar; Heidelberg University of Education; Hochschule für Musik und theater; Hochschule Hannover; IDEAS; Index Copernicus International, Journals Master;Library Intelligencer, The University of Melbourne; NewJour; RePEc; ResearchBib; Saarländiscne Universitäts; ScienceCentral; SLUB; TU Clausthal; Universität Des Saarlandes; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (UBL); Virgin Media;WILBERT; Wikipedia;Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB); WorldCat; Yumpu.