Employees perception towards green HRM practices
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Most of the nations across the globe have realized the importance of environmental sustainability. They are trying to implement more stringent laws and regulations to be complied with by all industries/organizations with a special focus on those concerns whose product/processes result in significant environmental pollution. However, any such major initiatives' success is largely dependent upon the attitude of human resources at all hierarchical levels. Until and unless the HR understands, appreciates, and plays a dominant role in all such Green initiatives, the desired objectives won't be met. This green concept is mutually beneficial to the banks, industries and the economy. It aims at improving the operations and technology along with making the clients habits environment friendly in the banking business. The aim of this study was to determine the factors influencing the intention of banks to adopt green practices in India and its impact on environmental sustainability. This study analyses the responses and represents the research findings from the data collected from the survey. Statistical formulization is employed in the research for various adopting factors of green banking and its impact on environmental sustainability. Workers are being encouraged to develop the quotient of Green thinking. Besides, Green HRM practices are providing ample opportunities for the workers to enhance their knowledge and skills in the context of conservation of environment.