Understanding the Significance of Career Counselling for Final-Year Engineering Students: A Study of Private Universities in Vadodara

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Priyanka Kiritkumar Desai, Bijal Shah


This research investigates the associations of the various processes causing a particular result by employing a quantitative design while enlisting 100 participants. Significant patterns and interactions were analysed by descriptive statistics, correlation, regression analysis and chi-square test. The results show a marked degree of correlations and an equally significant degree of predictive abilities, thus pointing to the fact that some factors can be said to have a highly deterministic influence while other factors are more or less marginally influential on the outcome. The results help identify the variables that matter and will make a contribution towards future research and planning. The authors have also identified gaps that require future research to advance knowledge in the field that this study has established.

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How to Cite
Priyanka Kiritkumar Desai, Bijal Shah. (2025). Understanding the Significance of Career Counselling for Final-Year Engineering Students: A Study of Private Universities in Vadodara. European Economic Letters (EEL), 15(1), 114–125. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v15i1.2373