A Study to Improve Higher Education System of India with Effective Utilization of Total Quality Management

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Pallavi Pandey


There is a remarkable growth in the education system of India, after the independence. The quality of higher education is everybody’s concern today. There are various literature about the the TQM in health sector, manufacturing sector etc. but in order to develop the higher education, there is no estimated measure for the role of Total Quality Management. In order to improve the quality of higher education system in the institutions, it is necessary to focus on the concept of Total Quality Management. There are various studies and commission official reports and given recommendations for its improvement. Many companies have been valued the advantages of Total Quality Management around the world. Various innovations in this field are the proof that higher education system are also now realizing the importance of total quality. Many organizations have achieved the excellence in this industry through the practice of policy of TQM. This paper will highlight the need of continuous quality improvement, components of TQM and the challenges in TQM in higher education, means and strategies adopted by different educational institutions. The study has been concluded through conducting consulting existing literature through historical, analytical and empirical approaches. The need of hour is necessary in the improvement of TQM in higher education. Many authorities involved in the management of higher education system in India like UGC, AICTE, DEC, QCI, BCI have made serious effort in the improvement of quality education in India and also to match Indian education standards with the International norms.

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How to Cite
Pallavi Pandey. (2025). A Study to Improve Higher Education System of India with Effective Utilization of Total Quality Management. European Economic Letters (EEL), 15(1), 653–665. Retrieved from https://eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/2441