The Practical Uses and Benefits of ePortfolios

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Robert Wensveen


ePortfolios are a rapidly emerging, powerful, and iterative form for capturing student work, including accredited evidence for lifelong learning in both academic and professional contexts. Many employers and their employees benefit from flexible programs of study within or outside of the workplace and archiving these newly acquired skills in ePortfoilios can be advantageous in helping to provide a foundation that enhances employment opportunities. Higher education can play a significant role in helping individuals enhance their employment marketability by teaching them to create and maintain a well-defined and robust ePortfolio. This research investigated students perceptions of ePortfolios as a tool to help them obtain meaningful employment opportunities. Outcomes that students have realized through the maintenance and application of either a personal or professional ePortfolio is described through their journey from graduation to employment. Government, post secondary institutions and employers can all benefit from helping to standardize ePortfolio requirements and platforms.   

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How to Cite
Robert Wensveen. (2025). The Practical Uses and Benefits of ePortfolios. European Economic Letters (EEL), 15(1), 879–886. Retrieved from